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Driving Logger (Video/Route) 1.2.2
HyXen Technology
It has the functions of video,camera,anddriving route record to help you to stand up for your rights whenthe automobile accident is happened. It provide recurring videowith 90s record for each file.Features:1. Loop recording,just click the recording button at the bottomleft of the screen to start the loop recording, don't worry aboutcapacity issues.2. Lock Video: During the recording process, if you want to protectsome video files you recorded, just clock the lock button on thetop of the screen to lock the file, and the file will not beoverwritten by the loop recording.3. Take photos, you still can take photos without logging off theapplication.4. GPS driving route, in the process of video recording, theapplication will also record your driving route. It also supportshigh cloud backup function.5. File management, it is easy to manage and view the videos,photos and the driving route. You can also lock video and uploadthe driving route.6. Video space, provide four storage of 25%, 50%, 75%, &100%.7. Automatically upload your driving route (optional).8. Police check feedback: When you confront a police check point,just tap the police check feedback icon on the main screen to alertother drivers, the police check location can be immediately reportto the cloud server. In contrast, if other people do the same thingas mentioned above, you also can be warned in the first time.9. Traffic jam feedback: If you are in traffic jam section, justtap the traffic jam feedback icon on the main screen to alert otherdrivers, the traffic jam section can be immediately report to thecloud server. In contrast, if other people do the same thing likeyou, you also can be warned in the first time.
WiFiMap (Free WiFi)
HyXen Technology
Multi-language support: English, 正體中文,简体中文Do you think the 3G network slow?Do you think you can unlimited data plan is wasting money?Do you want to know is there any opened wifi around you?Then you must try WiFiMap!WiFiMap knows your requirement!WiFiMap gives you the following two search modes.Radar mode let you get the available WiFi spots when you need toconnect to network.Telescope mode let you get the more stable WiFi spots around youwhen you already have network connection.Note: Please make sure turn on your GPS to obtain the more preciseinformation when you use this application.
女人30情定水舞間(三立電視) 1.2.2
HyXen Technology
APP專屬活動,偶像簽名照,膠囊咖啡機,姐妹淘手鍊大放送!想要唐禹哲、李維維的簽名照嗎?想要喝著跟戲劇裡一樣的咖啡、帶一樣的手鍊嗎?下載女人30情定水舞間APP,完成活動步驟就有機會得到喔! *活動時間:2014/4/10~2014/5/10 *活動獎項:1.BIALETTI膠囊咖啡機一台 [含膠囊試飲組+官網購物金500元],1名 (價值$8,800)       2.玟琪、之勤、婉婷姊妹淘友情信物 - 愛心鑽手鍊,3名 (價值$1,580/條)       3.唐禹哲-簽名酷卡一張,2名       4.Darren-簽名酷卡一張,2名       5.李維維-簽名酷卡一張,2名       6.洪小鈴-簽名酷卡一張,2名       7.小薰-簽名酷卡一張,2名       8.張翰-簽名酷卡一張,2名 *活動辦法:進入APP活動頁面,回答問題並填寫中獎聯絡資料,送出後即參加成功!得獎者將於5/20號公佈於[女人30 情定水舞間官方APP]與[女人30情定水舞間 官方粉絲團]。本活動由三立電視台與勝義科技股份有限公司聯合主辦,主辦單位保留活動變更、終止、修改權力。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------婉婷、玟琪、之勤是高中時期的好友,總以「孽緣」來形容她們深厚的姊妹情誼,這份友情甚至有時候超過親情關係,稀里呼嚕盲目地經過30大關橫跨31的婉婷,在閃電離婚的玟琪邀請下,和寧可提早邁入30歲也要出國玩的之勤,夾帶懼高的恐慌,前往澳門,展開一場不知死活的瘋狂旅行…對工作狂江玟琪來說,這是一趟難得的放鬆之旅,但對婉婷而言,就沒這麼幸運,一條筋的迷糊蛋遇見不靠譜、到澳門打工的書呆子林偉中,兩人相遇連連出事,迷信的婉婷相信這人是她在澳門的衰神!就說黃曆準嘛!不宜西南行!結果咧~多次被招待到警局喝茶,比起澳門風光,她更瞭解的是警局結構…多苦逼的首次出國之旅啊!30,對之勤來說,不過是個數字,什麼年華老去、青春不再,都是無稽之談。自告奮勇邁入30歲的她好不容易擺脫兩位姊妹的看管,在友人的推薦下找到一處秘密聖地完成自己差198天30歲的生日創舉ーー裸泳!意外遇見從湖裡冒出來的優質帥哥水鬼!驚嚇過後,她相信,這是上天要送她的另一份禮物,跟水鬼PK的結果,是共渡一夜旖旎浪漫,讓這30歲的生日留下華麗的紀錄……男人三十可以而立,女人三十呢?當真只有如狼的命運?到底~女人三十後的人生,要怎麼樣才能昂然挺胸,在世人面前展現熟女風姿,活出精采、活出漂亮、活出自己?且看這群為生活打拼、在工作、感情、生活中迷惘的年輕、半熟或熟齡、超熟齡男女們,如何透過彼此瞭解自己、面對困境、找到人生方向與真愛,繼續向前行!三十歲除了是身為一個女人在人生路上都會遇到的分水嶺之外,對女人而言還象徵了非常特別的意義,此APP延續此部戲劇以三十歲女人為主軸的故事,除了劇情和人物介紹,也搭配劇情打造出女人30經典語錄,也結合劇中迷信的婉婷,設計出一套星座愛情工作運勢占卜以及色彩占卜。另外也打造了熟女宣言,讓使用者大聲說出屬於你的女人宣言;劇中主角的宿舍大公開,讓你一探單身女子宿舍的樣貌;以及熟女必勝每日穿搭,跟著劇中主角們的穿搭,穿出屬於自己時尚的look。
台北Ubike 1.0.1
HyXen Technology
Taipei Youbike site inquiry
高捷到站查詢(即時動態) 1.0.11
HyXen Technology
百米衝刺後捷運還在你面前關門嗎? 立即下載讓你高捷輕鬆搭 一開啟會自動判斷最近的捷運站, 並顯示下班車什麼時候到站,不用點選就可以輕鬆使用。
DOITT 共創公域 2014 國際青年共創日 1.0.1
HyXen Technology
DOITT是一個創意平台,提供科技、文創、設計、社會、商業的各種跨界交流空間,鼓勵台灣年輕夢想家成為實踐者。透過每月不同的換桌論壇、講座與各式跨界交流,在這裡可以自由盡情地說出你的夢想,透過眾人的參與、各種資源的媒合完成各種美好的事物!DOIT Taiwan國際青年共創日大家久等了!暌違一年的DOIT Taiwan國際青年共創日又來了!去年,DOIT Taiwan舉辦了第一屆國際性的青年共創日,邀集亞洲六大城市開放創新影響者及實踐者案例來台分享,創造了一天近千人次的參與, 今年,DOITTaiwan齊聚了更多不同領域的頂尖創新者,交流更多橫跨科技創新、創客自造、社會企業、文創科技、創業生態等領域的創新思維與行動力,掌握國際間開放軟硬生態的最新趨勢,同時邀集超過30位國內外專家進行15分鐘精華短講,用最快的速度,展現豐富的內容,活動絕對精彩絕倫!DOITTaiwan相信,開放創新改變的力量就是來自於跨界…「跨界・定改變」!
高雄Cbike 1.0.0
HyXen Technology
Kaohsiung Cbike site inquiry
台灣368旅遊拼圖 2.1.2
HyXen Technology
核安即時通 1.1.9
HyXen Technology
日新又新,專業創新;核安輻安,民眾心安!本程式為行政院原子能委員會所推出全國第一個具有輻射預警功能之即時便民資訊程式。福島事件後,民眾高度關心環境輻射及國內核電廠安全,藉由本程式使民眾瞭解自己所在位置最近最新環境輻射資料、輻射屋查詢、國內核能電廠管制動態、以及全台灣第一個輻射預警功能,讓民眾「核家平安」!New and new, professionalinnovation; nuclear safety radiation safety, the public peace ofmind!The program for the Atomic Energy Council has launched thenation's first early warning function of the instant convenienceradiation information program.After the Fukushima incident, people highly concerned about theenvironment and the safety of domestic nuclear power plantradiation, with the program to make people aware of their locationnearest the latest information on environmental radiation,radiation house inquiries, dynamic control of domestic nuclearpower plants, as well as Taiwan first radiation warning function,Let people "nuclear family safe!"
行動安全保鑣(iCare) 1.0.2
HyXen Technology
iCare可以隨時掌握和查看您家人與自己手機的位置和狀態。可設定緊急連絡人,在感到危險時,發送求救訊號, 通知救援。iCare如同一個24小時的行動安全保鑣,保護您和您的家人。您也可以透過iCare官方網站(http://hyxen-icare.com)隨時查看位置和狀態。您家人與自己手機的位置是通過本公司自有專利的定位平台計算,不使用Google的定位平台,假如您需要精準的定位,請開啟Wifi。
GeoMe Messenger 1.4.6
HyXen Technology
GeoMe Messenger is the totally free socialchatapp that messages with friends and family in real time. It’slikehaving a real conversation with someone. You can use GeoMe tochatas much as you want, share locations privately, enjoygroupconversations, and plan outings with groups.Most importantly not like the other InstantMesseng apps, youcanuse GeoMe to let your friends receive a close message at theRightPlace and Right time. It is the totally different ways toenjoyyour social communication! (Note that the functionalityofGeoMessage is only open in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, andSingaporeat present. Hope we can open in other countries ASAP)WHY USE GEOME★ Instant notifications show you when a message is Sent,Delivered,Read.Light Green Check Marks: Send the message from yoursmartphonesuccessfullyDark Green Check Marks: Receive the message at theserversuccessfullyWhite Cloud: Deliver the message from the server successfullyGreen Cloud: Read the message at your contact successfully★ Group Chat: Create groups with the people already in yourcontactsto conversations★ Location: Share/request location to/from your contacts and seeallgroup members on a map.★ Completely Free: Chat with your friends all over the world aslongas they have GeoMe Messenger installed and avoid thosepeskyinternational SMS costs.★ Offline Messages: Even if you miss your push notifications orturnoff your phone, GeoMe will save your messages offline untilyouretrieve them during the next application use.★ Beautiful emoticons design: Add emoticons to any messageyousend.★ Set your profile picture from a gallery photo, Precisemessagetime stamps, , Ability to block other users, Recommendationwithpeople you may know, Search your buddies, Survey theinformationabout your buddies, and much much more!GeoMe Messenger in the near further will be across-platformavailable for Android, iPhone (coming soon),Blackberry (comingsoon), Windows Phone 7 (coming soon), andcomputer (comingsoon).Have a good day from GeoMe Messenger!
愛度無限 (分享愛心, 做公益, 待用商店搜尋) 1.0.11
HyXen Technology
愛度無限是一款收集及分享愛心與公益的管理程式。歡迎大家踴躍下載一起讓愛傳出去!!服務介紹:-本服務基於Hyxen專利定位平台提供的『位置服務』根據用戶所在位置主動顯示出周遭需要幫助的公益團體及弱勢族群相關資訊,進而引起大眾關注且能即時伸出援手。-個人化設計,用戶可依關注/愛心直擊/温情專欄的使用,每天可感愛自己愛心温度的變化.同時可與愛度無限網站同步積分.功能介紹:1.愛心待用商店搜尋,讓更多弱勢朋友們可以得到幫助。2.愛心直擊:提供用戶【隨時】【隨地】使用智慧型手機將需要援助的人事物相關地點和訊息分享給大家。3.守護焦點:基於LBS服務,讓用戶透過地圖得知周遭是否有需要受幫助的人事物。4.温情專欄:提供一個資訊分享平台分享公益資訊。Love of the infinite isacollection and sharing of love and charity managementprogram.Welcome you all to download together Let love spreadout!!Service description:- The service is based on Hyxen patent positioning platformprovides"location services" in accordance with the initiative toshow theuser's location in need of help around public interestgroups anddisadvantaged groups related information, therebycausing immediatepublic attention and can lend a helpinghand.- Individual design, Adjusted according concern / caring Watch/warmth column used daily love their sense of caringtemperaturechanges can be synchronized while the degree ofintegration withthe love unlimited websites. Features:1 love stand-Store Finder to allow more vulnerable friends cangethelp.2 Love Watch: Provide users [at any time] [anywhere]usingsmartphones things people will need assistance inrelevantlocations and messages to others.3 Guardian Focus: LBS-based services to users through a map toknowwhether there is need of help around people and things.4 warmth Column: providing an information sharing platformsharingof public information.
MobileLocus Map 1.0.3
HyXen Technology
You can use this APP to get the informationofbanks, hospitals, gas stations, lodgings, parking, ATM,andconvenience store near by your location.MobileLocus is HyXen's self-developed platform based onhybridposition calculation.The unique platform uses patented algorithm that integratesGPSsatellite signal fingerprints, cell tower signal fingerprints,andWiFi access point (AP) signal fingerprints to calculateuser'sposition.
膜殿藝術館 1.0.13
HyXen Technology
不瘋“膜”,不成活!!時尚面膜最前線《膜殿藝術館》,為十藝生技所開發的應用程式,整合潮流、科技、保養、旅遊及藝術等多元話題,結合"beacon"互動與"玩美"遊戲,讓人人都能透過膜殿,分享時尚生活!!Not crazy "film" doesnotsurvive! !Mask the forefront of fashion, "film Hall Art Gallery," Arts fortenbiotech applications developed,Integration trends, technology, maintenance, tourism and theartsdiverse topics, combined with "beacon" to interact with the"playbeautiful" game, so that everyone can through the membraneHall,sharing fashion life! !
八色禪卡 1.0.1
HyXen Technology
台中iBike 1.0.0
HyXen Technology
Taichung iBike site inquiry
熱海戀歌 (三立電視台20周年旗艦大戲) 1.0.6
HyXen Technology
Speed Detector EVO 3.0.26
HyXen Technology
Just place phone onto the dashboard of your car and then run thespeed detector.
Taximeter 3.1.8
HyXen Technology
Any questions about the taxi fare? Let Taximeter help you for farecalculation.
Bike Challenger(YouBike/Ubike) 1.0.9
HyXen Technology
Bike Challenger is a tool for you to record all the bikinginformation
ZeroCard (會員卡管理) 4.3.16
HyXen Technology
Electronic membership card